How to get from Izmir Airport (ADB) to Hotel Sunday Beach

Izmir Airport (ADB) to Hotel Sunday Beach Transfer rates and capacities with Vehicles types

€ 70

6 People 6 Bags

Standard Minivan

€ 75

6 People 6 Bags

Vip Minivan

€ 105

13 People 10 Bags

Standard Minibus

Izmir Airport (ADB) to Hotel Sunday Beach Driving Directions & Distances

Getting from Izmir Airport (ADB) to Hotel Sunday Beach


Izmir Airport (ADB)

Get from Izmir Airport (ADB) to Hotel Sunday Beach
Izmir Airport (ADB) to Hotel in Kusadasi

Your travel experience will be of utmost comfort as we whisk you away to that very important business meeting or to your luxurious hotel accommodation

More Hotels

Izmir Airport (ADB) to Kusadasi Latest Booking

€ 85

9 Pax 10 Bags

Standard Minibus

€ 75

3 Pax 6 Bags

Vip Minivan

€ 70

3 Pax 6 Bags

Standard Minivan

€ 55

4 Pax 6 Bags

Standard Minivan

What the Guest Says for Izmir Airport (ADB) to Kusadasi transfer

Fri, Aug, 5

by Tayyab Adham

We used Shuttle Board for our transfer from Izmir Airport to our hotel in Ozdere, some 45km away. Our flight arrived 4 hours late, but the driver was there waiting for us without any issues or complaints. The Mercedez minivan was spacious and clean, and the driver dropped us off at our hotel and took cash payment. Return journey was equally smooth and I would 100% recommend this service and would definitely use again if visiting the Izmir region.
